Riya Balaji, Grade 8
Middle School Winner
San Jose, California
“Culture, History, population, and Pollution!”
India is a densely populated country with its own features, rich cultures, and deep-rooted history. From the Himalayan mountains to the Ganges River, India is one of a kind in many ways. Populated with about 1.4 billion people, India is the second most populated country in the world. India is a country that has developed so much over the years, socially and economically. The huge population incurs more necessities for people including a growing need for vehicles, industries, and dwellings. All of this leads to one perennial problem that’s plaguing India, air pollution! India is among the top 5 polluted countries in the world. PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) concentration in air in India is stunningly 11.6 times above the World Health Organization’s annual air quality guideline value.
“Pollution is not just an index, it’s a human killer”
Air pollution is a leading factor in deaths in India. According to a news article, “One in eight deaths in India was attributable to air pollution in 2017.” Pollution can’t be “seen” but it's definitely in the air all around us, causing a significant impact to our health. Pollution in the air leads to increasing carbon dioxide levels which are dangerous for humans. Did you know that 76 percent of Indians live in places that do not meet national air quality standards? That's more than 3/4th the population of India. On the other hand, 90% of people live near power plants, factories, and vehicles which are easy and leading ways for simply more pollution in the atmosphere. Exposure to pollution causes fatal illnesses, creating harmful conditions for us to live in. Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs. Believe it or not, the deaths caused by air pollution are more than those caused by diarrhea, tuberculosis, HIV, or malaria!
“A Complex problem, a quick stroll in the backyard for a solution”
The answer to this complex problem lies in our own backyard! Planting trees! A fully mature tree is capable of absorbing more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in exchange, in just one year. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees can absorb carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and reduce the ‘greenhouse effect, creating a less polluted and a more sustainable environment for us and our future generations to come.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world - One dollar at a time”
Seeing and learning about pollution in India, creates an awareness in my mind and I’m determined to play a part in helping. Awareness and action are two of the greatest tools we have in fighting this perennial problem and I plan to put them to the best use! The first step for all such problems is raising awareness. I have called up my grandparents, relatives, and friends in India, challenging them to plant at least 10 saplings every year. Onto Action next! I will make sure I do this myself during my next visit to India. I also plan on getting involved with a non-profit organization in India that focuses on environmental protection. One such organization is called SankalpTaru. With only a minimal contribution of Rs.149 ($2), you get to plant any type of tree and anywhere you’d like. I plan to donate at least 20$ from my savings to plant at least 10 trees. Little things like these go a long way and you can be a part of this green revolution too! All it takes is a bit of awareness.