Code of Conduct

As part of its effort to ensure cohesion and accountability within the Alliance, the IPA adopted a Code of Conduct on August 1, 2018.  It is as follows:

  1. All members will seek to be knowledgeable about and speak well of the other members in the group – speaking about them in public and private consistent with how they speak about themselves.

  2. Use public speeches, writings and social media to describe and emphasize the complementarity of groups in the IPA to each other, including to one’s own organization. 

  3. Make a serious effort to personally join and actively participate in (but not dominate) all meetings.

  4. Be responsive to requests for advice and assistance from the leaders of other member organizations.

  5. Act consistent with the idea that while each group is different and some are older and larger than others, around the working group table we are all essentially equals/peers.

  6. Ensure an open and honest dialogue with the Secretariat about how effectively they are supporting the IPA and how they could improve.

  7. Engage in dialogue at IPA meetings based on respectful but candid exchange of views, and growing camaraderie.  

  8. Encourage your organization’s staff, board members and other stakeholders to act consistent with this code of conduct.