Criteria to join the network
To be considered as a leading member of our network, a nonprofit organization must:
Be registered as a 501c3 tax-exempt charitable entity with the United States government.
Have at least $500,000 in revenue in the United States in a typical year.
Have at least 1.5 full-time employees in the United States (in some cases these can be volunteers who perform professional staff-like functions).
Operate professionally in India [in terms of the conduct of its partner(s) there]and in the U.S. (e.g., are audited by a reputable firm and publish audits on their websites, make reasonable efforts to track outcomes and impact of its programs, have qualified people on their governing bodies that function using broadly accepted good governance practices, adopt and apply high ethical standards based on recognized sound practices in their countries of incorporation, etc.).
Support programs solely or at least predominantly in India (meaning, 50% or more of program expenditures outside the United States are made in India).
Have, within at most one year of joining IPA, a member of their governing body under 35 years of age.
These criteria may be revised from time to time. Once an organization has expressed interest and been deemed eligible to become a leading member of our network, it will be vetted in a respectful and confidential manner which may culminate in a decision and invitation.
If your organization is interested in membership, please contact the Alliance’s Executive Director Alex Counts at