Empowering Change: Navigating a Philanthropy Roundtable
Peg Fourre Peg Fourre

Empowering Change: Navigating a Philanthropy Roundtable

The India Philanthropy Alliance launched India Giving Day, its second national campaign to promote and advance impactful giving to India, from Drexel University in Philadelphia on October 2, 2023. Among the highlights from this symposium, which was livestreamed around the country and beyond, was having student leaders Ranjini “Jini” Mahalanobishand Utsav Ganeriwala moderate panel discussions with Raj Gupta, Deepak Raj, Ravi Reddy, and others.

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Making History: A Vision for India Giving Day 2024
Alex Counts Alex Counts

Making History: A Vision for India Giving Day 2024

Like any American born by the early 1990s, I can remember where I was on September 11, 2001. Among Baby Boomers and previous generations, no one can forget watching Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon in July 1969. Each age has its iconic moments that herald a new era, new possibilities, and occasionally, new dangers.

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Better health for all Indians
Meenakshi Mahajan Meenakshi Mahajan

Better health for all Indians

India has made considerable strides in improving health outcomes for its people. For example, infant mortality has fallen from 66 to 38 per 1,000 live births from 2000 to 2015, and the maternal mortality ratio has fallen from 374 to 174 per 100,000 live births over the same period. However, the country continues to face significant challenges in the public health sphere.

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Philanthropy to India: The Potential of Collective Impact
Alex Counts Alex Counts

Philanthropy to India: The Potential of Collective Impact

People sometimes ask how the India Philanthropy Alliance evolved. There had been efforts in the past to catalyze some kind of consortium or network of India-focused nonprofits active in the United States to drive collaboration and reduce unnecessary duplication of efforts. But none had much staying power until Alex Counts and M.R. Rangaswami wrote this concept note and circulated it in advance of the Indiaspora Forum in Virginia in September 2017. At the time, Counts was the President/CEO of the American India Foundation and Rangaswami was (and remains) the founder and chairman of Indiaspora.

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What We Know Now About Poverty in India and About Defeating It
Nishant Pandey Nishant Pandey

What We Know Now About Poverty in India and About Defeating It

At the welcome dinner to the India Philanthropy Alliance (IPA) retreat, which was held on April 27, 2023 in New York City, IPA Vice-Chair Nishant Pandey, who is also the CEO of the American India Foundation, was asked to set the context by addressing this question: What would it take to virtually eliminate poverty in India in the next ten years? His comments were well received by the group, and we later asked him to reconstruct them into this blog post in order to share them with a wider audience.

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